Get Your Products Video Reviewed.

Attract 300% Traffic

Still using images to advertise your products? Go get your product presentation videos! A boundless way to get your products reached thousands of buyers. Engage your audience, deliver clear messages, promote your new products, and more!

Your Product!

Wanna test the market?

Early Reviewer Program

Launching your new products? Join our Early Reviewer Program and receive early feedback videos from our homies! Promote your new products in consumer POV (point of view) videos.

How it works


Send us a product review request; our team will contact you and give you the best services.


Send us the products you want to get reviewed and tested by our team and homies. We will give you our advice & customer feedback.


We will make a product review video/presentation video for each product you sent. Get ready to list your products on SesameTalk and reach thousands of buyers!

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